Castro Valley Library

Libby by Overdrive by crselig2014
Wednesday, July 12, 2017, 12:44 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

libby300Many of our patrons have discovered our huge collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks. You can access thousands of titles using a mobile device, tablet or computer from the comfort of your home using your library card. Plus no more late fees! Digital books return themselves.

Now, Overdrive, our biggest vendor for eBooks, has updated their app to make access to these materials even easier. The new app is called Libby. Anyone with an an Android (4.4+) or an Apple iOS device (IOS 9+) or a PC (Windows 10+) or Windows Tablet (10+) can give it a try.

Overdrive has created a helpful video to introduce Libby. Click here to watch it. You can stop by the Information Desk to get detailed instructions to start using Libby or you can download the instructions by clicking here.